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Navin Waqar talks heartbreak, privacy, industry reinvention, more


Jan 5, 2024


In a candid and introspective conversation on the Adnan Faisal Podcast, Navin Waqar delved into the intricacies of her personal and professional life, offering fans a rare glimpse into her thoughts and experiences.

Waqar began by sharing a profound insight into her emotional journey, expressing how her heartbreaks have shaped her. She revealed, My heart broke terribly, and when I put it back together, I took out a lot of things from it. Like, don’t trust everyone blindly…I do not have it in me to withstand tragedy. I’m a very sensitive person.”

She continued, “If I fight with my friend, I feel like my world is ending, till we’re friends again…I can’t sleep, I get nightmares, and I have this fear: what if I lose that person? MashAllah, I’m blessed enough to have the kind of people in my life, the absence of whom I simply can’t imagine. When you mend your heart after a breakup, you do take out things from it, like trust. You have to prove yourself to me…Anyone can use words, words don’t work anymore.” 

Waqar also touched upon the evolving dynamics of relationships in today’s technologically driven world. She stressed the importance of authenticity, cautioning against the illusions presented on social media. “Our lives have become so technological. What you see on-screen or on Instagram, it’s not true…Leave filters, when people portray themselves as great, you don’t know how a person is in real life.”

Opening up about her views on marriage, Waqar highlighted the significance of character, stating, “Are they a good person or not?” She expressed concern about the superficial nature of modern relationships and the challenge of discerning authenticity in a digital age.

The actor also admitted, “I’m not as jazbati as I used to be.” Furthermore, she touched upon how she is “a little superstitious,” stating, “I’m superstitious with work as well. Till a project is finalised, I don’t talk about it.” She added, “I believe there are a lot of people in this world who will not join in your happiness. There are very few people who are genuinely happy for you, pray for you, remember you in their prayers, but everyone isn’t happy for you.”

Discussing her single status, Waqar shared her contentment with being a self-proclaimed hermit. “My friends tease me and say that I can only find someone if I leave my house. I don’t leave home. I’m a hermit and I love it…You stay where you’re happy,” she quipped. While acknowledging her single status, Waqar stressed her belief in destiny and divine timing. “I believe that if something is written in your destiny, it will find you, one way or another. I’m not setting out to find it. If God has written someone in my destiny, it’ll happen…I’m looking, but I’m not looking.”

Despite her public persona, Waqar revealed her preference for privacy, especially regarding her personal life. “I like my privacy. I post about very few things, like work, working out, or pets. I think that it’s good if I engage people in a limited capacity. I don’t like sharing everywhere I go and everyone I meet,” she disclosed.

The actor also touched upon her past role as Sara in Humsafar, marvelling at the enduring recall value despite the passage of time. “People still call me Sara. MashAllah, the recall value, till now, after so many years…People loved to hate her and then they felt really bad for her,” she reminisced.

On a more reflective note, Waqar voiced her concerns about the need for reinvention in the entertainment industry. “I wouldn’t want to put down the industry I’m in, but we need to reinvent ourselves…If we’re still showing that you grow up to marry your cousin and have no other aspirations in life, we’re doing something wrong.”

When the conversation veered towards personal matters, specifically divorce and why it’s not spoken about, Waqar displayed a guarded approach. “People tell all now, [I don’t]. It’s my personal space and personal life…I have been taught by my parents to keep matters of home within the home. When it gets out, it changes…It’s like Chinese Whispers. Who all will you silence? You can’t. So keep your own mouth shut.”

She continued, “Deal with it the way you would deal with any tragedy. Acknowledge it, absorb it, then step away. I don’t want to talk about it because a lot of people use that as a means to get a spotlight. So I didn’t want that kind of spotlight. I’ve always wanted the spotlight to be on my work.” Waqar added, “If something happens in life that you regret, it teaches you a lesson.” 

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